Saturday, May 24, 2014

Kelly Jo Bates

Kelly Testimony
I was raised a “preacher’s kid” hearing the gospel over and over. Each time I would pray for God to save me, because I feared dying. But I never had assurance of my salvation. It wasn’t until 9th grade that I understood why. I had believed in God, however, I had no conviction of my own personal sin. I had always thought of myself as a “good person”. But at a youth meeting, I finally was broken over the guilt of my sin and realized that it was my awful sin that Christ died for. That realization changed my life. What had been an awareness of God became an acceptance of Him as my personal Savior. I soon learned that a new life in Christ was far more than just freedom from the fear of dying; it was what makes life worth living!

Kelly is a very sweet hospitable person with a genuine heart for others! "She is always there for us and with us throughout every thing we do or come in contact with. She is not only our Mom but she is also our best friend!" Says  daughter Erin. "She has a very strong relationship with Jesus which is the most important thing and there are so many other things!" says daughter Carlin. Michelle Duggar is Kelly's best friend outside of the family.

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